
  • Theme: Generic life advice for those trying to make it business with no connections
  • Topics: Wide array of challenges I have faced throughout my 20's
  • Goal: Provide tips for my brother, Joe, who is eight years younger than me

The Notes

  • 1% Better

    Getting one percent better every day…a visual: Like compound interest in your 401k, the act of getting 1% better every day is a beautiful thing. Th...
  • Social Media

    This really should go without saying, however, you will want to audit anything you have posted on any social platform prior to graduating college. ...
  • Routine

    Having a routine, in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects of overall mental health. When I was in college, I was probably the unhealthi...
  • Keeping in Touch

    Whether we realize it or not, college is the last time in your life where you will consistently be surrounded by people your own age. This is a bea...